Posted on 7th April 2017

The second practice for Formula 1’s Chinese Grand Prix was cancelled due to poor weather.

FP2 session for the Chinese GP cancelled due to bad weather

The second practice for Formula 1’s Chinese Grand Prix was cancelled on Friday due to poor weather.

After the opening free practice session of the day was compromised heavily by two lengthy red flag periods, the same fate forced a delay to the start of the action for FP2 at Shanghai.

While the damp track conditions were fine for the cars, a lack of visibility meant it was not safe for the medical helicopter to operate if needed, forcing a halt to the proceedings.

When asked by the media the reasons why the session couldn't go ahead ; F1 race director Charlie Whiting said the following:-

“The helicopter can’t land at the hospital, which is about 38 kilometres away unfortunately. It looks reasonable here [at the circuit], I know, and there are helicopters flying here, but they can’t actually land in downtown Shanghai.”

The distance to the hospital meant the possibility of travelling by road was not feasible, as the journey time would be way over the FIA’s maximum of 20 minutes.

With the session finishing as scheduled at 15:30 local time regardless of when it started, it became a race against time to hope conditions would improve enough to enable some meaningful running to take place.

F1 officials were receiving updates on the conditions from the local airport every 10 minutes while the 90-minute clock ticked down with no cars able to go out on track.

But the visibility failed to clear, meaning the limited running in FP1 represented the only mileage teams were able to complete on the first day of the weekend.

The last time an entire session of a grand prix weekend was cancelled was in 2015, when stormy weather prevented FP2 taking place at Austin.

While teams and drivers tried to keep themselves busy during the lack of running, Lewis Hamilton ventured across the track to the main grandstand to interact with fans, signing caps and throwing them into the crowd.

Driving for Pleasure will be covering the Chinese GP weekend with our practice, qualifying and race reports alongside the latest news.

Sarah Jones- @jonesy_laaa

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