Posted on 20th April 2015

Techno-Classica Essen 2015 Excites Around 190,000 Automobile Enthusiasts.

Returning to Techno Classica at Essen has now become one of my highlights in a busy year of car shows and events. This year staying at the Atlantic hotel on site meant more time spent in the 20 Exhibition halls.

A quiet relatively crowd free “Happy View Day” on the Wednesday allows some great photos, and opportunity to get your bearings. The next two days meant up to 9 hours of walking, talking to exhibitors, car owners and fellow petrolheads, with 2500 classic and modern cars on show.

After a couple of days you become so accustomed to seeing rare and stunningly presented cars at every touch and turn, and it is easy to become blasé! I have never seen so many beautiful cars in one place as is available in Essen. Everyone who loves cars or anything associated with motoring needs to go to Essen at least once, it's a gem of an event.

Mercedes displayed the legendary 300SL no 722 in a great setting detailing the incredible record of this iconic car, whilst Lamborghini had a stand showing all their vehicles from the original Tractor to the latest Veneno, simply stunning.

At the end of my 4 days, I was very tired, but sad it was all over. I've already diaried next year's event as I don't want anything else to clash with it, check it out on and add the event to your diary too.

This is the official Press release:-

Techno-Classica Essen 2015 Excites Around 190,000 Automobile Enthusiasts. World’s Largest Classic Vehicle Fair Emphasises Its Leading Status.

Techno-Classica Essen 2015 was a total success: This was ensured by the 190,000 visitors from all over the world who were en route in the halls and on the outdoor sites at Messe Essen on the past five days.

Over 1,250 exhibitors presented a unique range of available oldtimers, classic & prestige automobiles, motorsport, motorbikes, spare parts, restoration and clubs. A large number of anniversaries of the automobile manufacturers, more than 2,500 classic vehicles on sale and 220 clubs made the hearts of the visitors and the purchasers beat faster.

When Techno-Classica Essen calls the visitors to the Ruhr metropolis, they all come: The world’s leading automobile manufacturers and classic vehicle dealers as well as, of course, the many oldtimer clubs made the exhibition the global fair for automobile passion. In this respect, the large number of anniversaries of the over 25 manufacturers also ensured a celebratory mood: from 30 years of the Porsche 359 via 40 years of the VW Polo and the BMW 3 series right up to 60 years of the Citroën DS, 80 years of Jaguar and many more. Moreover, the fans breathed in motorsport history on the booth of Mercedes-Benz on which the people from Stuttgart showed, amongst other items, the 300 SLR car which won the Mille Miglia in 1955.

World’s Largest Trading Place and Club Meeting Place
Over 2,500 vehicles were on sale at Techno-Classica Essen – thus, the fair was the world’s largest trading place on the classic vehicle scene. At no other fair do the dealers turn up in such large numbers as in Essen – and, in the meantime, they come not only from all over Europe, but also from overseas. Amongst others, exhibitors from North and South America as well as from China presented their available ranges. An international expert jury chose the Ferrari 250 GT Pinin Farina Cabriolet Series 1 from the dealer Axel Schütte as the “Best of Show”. Over 220 clubs which presented themselves with a lot of passion ensured numerous spots of colour at the fair: “The Hunchback of Wolfsburg” or “Raid in the Red Light District” were just two of the mottos which stuck in the visitors’ memories.

Stefan P. Eck from the organiser S.I.H.A. Ausstellungen Promotion GmbH made a positive assessment: “Techno-Classica Essen was able to continue its pulsating success story. Every one of the dealers registered good transactions and praised, above all, the absolutely international orientation of the event.” Eduard Michel Franssen from S.I.H.A. Ausstellungen Promotion GmbH stressed: “Techno-Classica Essen shows that the purchasers accept ambitious prices if the quality of the offered automobiles is okay. This is where Techno-Classica Essen stands out.” Oliver P. Kuhrt, CEO of Messe Essen, was convinced: “Techno-Classica Essen is the undisputed number one amongst the oldtimer fairs. Here, passion and profit count to equal extents. The enthusiasm of the visitors and the exhibitors was unsurpassed.”

Exhibitors’ Opinions – Manufacturers:
Holger Bergmann, Customer Service Director, Jaguar Land Rover Deutschland:
“For us, Techno-Classica Essen is the most important classic automobile fair anywhere in the world and an ideal communication platform; it is an obligation for every traditional make. Our appearance concentrated not only on Jaguar but also, above all, on Land Rover with the global launch of the new Land Rover Heritage Programme. On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Jaguar make, we also showed a vehicle from our James Hull Collection for the first time: the SS1 built in 1935.”

Michael Bock, Director, Mercedes-Benz Classic and Customer Centre:
“I think that we have offered a special experience to the visitors to the fair with the presentation of seven outstanding examples of the aerodynamic competence of Mercedes-Benz. What’s more, we celebrated the sensational victory of Stirling Moss in the Mille Miglia in 1955 by exhibiting the 300 SLR ‘722’. All in all, I am enthusiastic about the numerous, interested and, above all, competent visitors.”

Alexander Fabig, Director, Porsche Classic:
“The Porsche Classic booth focused not only on the anniversary for ’30 Years of the Porsche 959’ but also on the further extension of the parts availability. In this respect, one crowd-puller was the new Porsche Classic Radio Navigation System which connects the make’s values of tradition and innovation in the best sense. The large number of trade visitors and classic vehicle owners obtained information about the subjects of ‘Parts Availability’ and ‘Repair & Restoration’ as well as about the ‘Porsche Classic Partner’ programme which started in 2014 and ensures classic competence in situ as a result of specially trained and certified Porsche centres. In 2015, Techno-Classica Essen has once again provided proof of its significance as the most important fair in Porsche Classic’s calendar of events and will thus be a permanent constituent of our activities in the future, too.”

Ulrich Knieps, Director, BMW Group Classic:
“For years, Techno-Classica Essen has been a fixed date in the calendars of many oldtimer fans. Of course, that also applies to BMW Group Classic. On our booth, the visitors were able to marvel at a lot of highlights such as youngtimers from the 70s to the 90s, the model diversity of the classic Minis, 90 years of the Rolls Royce Phantom and 30 years of the BMW M3. Personally, I am quite particularly pleased about the keen interest in the Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este to which we have dedicated a separate area on our booth. We are also very proud to have exhibited last year’s ‘Best of Show by the Jury’ winner: a Maserati 450 S from 1956.”

Stephan Lützenkirchen, Director of Communications and External Relations, Peugeot Citroën Deutschland GmbH:
“For the presentation of Citroën and DS Automobiles, Techno-Classica Essen reliably offers an outstanding environment of international relevance. The high numbers of visitors and the authentic atmosphere confirm the concept. This year, too, Techno-Classica Essen has confirmed its reputation as a crowd-puller. Citroën was able to reflect the motto of ‘Citroën Has Character’ in an impressive way with the concept car called Citroën C4 Cactus Aventure as well as with three historic models. Moreover, we were able to present a new make for the first time in Essen with DS Automobiles and to look back on ’60 Years of DS’.”

Otto F. Wachs, Managing Director, Autostadt in Wolfsburg: “Every year, Techno-Classica Essen is, for us, an absolutely special event which serves to connect us with the enduring passion for classic automobiles. For one week, we are presenting to the guests at the largest oldtimer fair in the world everything that the leading automobile destination worldwide has to offer. The oldtimers from the ZeitHaus Collection which encompasses different makes and with which we make it possible to experience the build-up of excitement about mobility constitute just one example of the diverse presentations. This year, our automobile ‘Relationships’ have aroused the enthusiasm of the visitors to Techno-Classica Essen, have ensured stimulating discussions and have made people want to visit us at Autostadt in Wolfsburg.”

Exhibitors’ Opinions – Dealers:
Nick Aaldering, The Gallery Brummen (Netherlands):
“For 20 years, we have been amongst the exhibitors at Techno-Classica Essen. For good reason: In our regular place in the centre of the fair, we present more than just a little piece of Holland. We are exceptionally successful at the global fair – the sales have surpassed our expectations this year, too. Techno-Classica Essen is and will remain the fair where we sell most. The fact that the organisation always functions in a reliable and perfect way makes it easy for us to present ourselves again every year in Essen.”

Luca Bertolero, Auto Classics (Italy): “The quality of the visitors was very high particularly on the first days. Our booth was really well-visited and I have the impression that there are more people every time. One conspicuous feature is the high proportion of international visitors from all over Europe. The organisation was top-class and I am also satisfied with our sales. The highlights on our booth included a BMW 327 Cabriolet which stood in the countryside in Tuscany for 45 years. As the largest and most important classic vehicle fair in the world, Techno-Classica Essen was precisely the right setting in order to show this automobile rarity.”

Richard Biddulph, Vintage & Prestige Cars (Great Britain): “We are looking back on a fantastic Techno-Classica Essen. One highlight was certainly the sale of an exceedingly rare Rolls Royce Silver Ghost Barker Cabriolet from 1912 which is now on the way to Denmark – in my eyes, the best car in the world. There was a very great onrush of visitors to our booth and we were busy throughout. For us as dealers, Techno-Classica Essen is the most important classic vehicle fair in the world.”

Oliver F. Bulant, Hödlmayr Classic Car Center (Austria): “S.I.H.A. has confirmed its claim to the leadership amongst the classic vehicle organisers in an impressive way: Techno-Classica Essen is an international fair just as you would imagine it. Moreover, it is on a good path as far as innovations and refinements are concerned. Every car on our booth was special. However, particularly great attention was attracted, for example, by a Bugatti T30 Cabrio which was found in a barn in America in 1988. The car had previously turned up in Paris at the end of the 1950s and there is no trace of it in between. Now, we have brought it to Essen.”

Giles Crickmay, Frank Dale & Stepsons (England):
“We are probably the oldest exhibitor at Techno-Classica Essen: We have presented ourselves in Essen since 1982 when S.I.H.A. already organised the Classic Vehicles section of the Essen Motor Show. And since the first Techno-Classica Essen in 1989, we have belonged to the regular exhibitors. At no other classic vehicle fair do we establish and maintain as many international contacts as at Techno-Classica Essen. For us, it is the most important classic vehicle fair in the world.”

Shawn Dougan, Hyman Ltd. Classic Cars (USA): “We have come to Techno-Classica Essen from the USA and are very satisfied. Here, it is a question not only of selling cars but also of maintaining contacts. Here, we meet many of our business partners and customers. By Saturday, we had already sold one of our two vehicles: a Rolls-Royce 25/30 HP coupé de ville from 1938. For us as dealers with worldwide activities, Techno-Classica Essen is nevertheless not only a business obligation but also a genuine pleasure.”

Felipe Garcia, Mint Classics: “I have visited Techno-Classica Essen since 2001 and was here as an exhibitor for the first time this year. As one of the dealers in the new Top Salon Exclusive in Hall 1A, I am satisfied with the number and quality of the visitors. We are specialised in Bavarian sports cars such as the BMW M1 which has aroused great interest amongst the visitors. For me, Techno-Classica Essen has lived up to its good reputation and is the most important event of its kind worldwide.”

Christoph Grohe, Christoph Grohe (Switzerland):
“For 20 years, it has been a good tradition for me to be an exhibitor at Techno-Classica Essen. I only offer special cars which make my heart thump – for interested people whose hearts also beat for special classic vehicles. I find these people with passion here at Techno-Classica Essen. Because the unsurpassed selection of classic vehicles attracts an international public second to none.”

Lukas Hüni, Lukas Hüni AG (Switzerland): “I primarily see Techno-Classica Essen as a showcase and a possibility of gaining access to oldtimer collectors who appreciate special quality – particularly from Germany. As the meeting place for connoisseurs from Europe and the whole world, it is, for me, also an international forum for the intensive exchange of information.”

Christian Jensen, CC-Cars APS (Denmark): “We are exhibitors at five fairs every year – and Techno-Classica Essen is regularly one of the strongest-selling fairs. In the international public, we find not only purchasers but also interested parties who approach us after the fair in order to buy classic vehicles. At Techno-Classica Essen, we have the best possibility of attracting attention worldwide.”

J. Merchante, Manager Director, Meran & Miles (Japan): “For us, it was the first Techno-Classica Essen and I was surprised about the high number of visitors. The organisation of the fair was very good and our booth position at one of the entrances to the new Top Salon Exclusive in Hall 1A was outstanding. From our viewpoint, particularly the first day of the fair was perfect as far as the quality of the visitors was concerned. We are expecting to have sold nearly all our vehicles by the end of the fair. The demand was gigantic: Two hours after the beginning of the fair, we had already sold a Porsche 993 Turbo and, another two hours later, a 964 Turbo. Moreover, a BMW M3 also changed hands after a short time. The internationality of the visitors and the purchasers is impressive: By the weekend of the fair, every one of our sold cars had gone to a different country. Without doubt, Techno-Classica Essen is the most important classic vehicle fair in the world.”

Xavier Molenaar, Oldtimerfarm BVBA (Belgium): “For us, Techno-Classica Essen is primarily a podium for the presentation of our range on offer. Emphasis is placed not so much on direct sales. We use the global classic vehicle fair, above all, for purchasing. Here, we come into contact with interested people from Europe, the USA and Russia as well as, in recent years, also from Latin American countries to an increasing extent. And in our native country of Belgium, classic vehicle clubs even organise coach trips to Essen – where they visit our booth, too.”

Christophe Pund, La Galerie des Damiers (France): “The absolutely professional organisation, the informal, friendly atmosphere and the proverbial reliability of the organiser make Techno-Classica Essen stand out from many other classic vehicle fairs. For ten years, I have been presenting La Galerie des Damiers in Essen – with great, constant selling success.”

Eberhard Thiesen, E. Thiesen GmbH (Germany): “The diversity of the range on offer, the wide selection of high-quality classic vehicles and the many extremely knowledgeable visitors are factors which always guarantee very good sales results at Techno-Classica Essen. It reflects the global classic vehicle market and attracts a trade public from all over the world like no other classic vehicle fair. Here, you feel that it is a meeting place for oldtimer friends who pursue their hobby with great passion.”

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